My latest artistic works are sculptures done with materials found on the beach and with acrylic paint.
Stage set model for a future performance yet "untitled"
"Memorial for Mimi" 2013
bamboo, wood and string 1,20 mt. x 56 cm.
bamboo, wood and string 1,20 mt. x 56 cm.
"Angels at sea"
palm leaf and seed. 80 x 60 x 25 cm.
Photo by David Rastall
"The Big Bang"
drift wood and red acrylic. 15 x 26 x 5 cm.
Photo by David Rastall
"Earth Attack"
Red Coral artery nailed to wooden block. 15 x 15 x 2 cm.
Photo by David Rastall
Work in progress
New Project (work in progress): 7 sculpture/poem/books
Each book contains a poem and represents one of the 7 deadly sins as listed by Dante Alighieri in his epic poem "La Divina Commedia":
- luxuria (extravagance)
- gula (gluttony)
- avaritia (avarice/greed)
- acedia (acedia/discouragement)
- ira (wrath)
- invidia (envy)
- superbia (pride)