Leaked out
The distance now separates us
Came from childhood took from you
The distance
Of sixty thousand dreams
Carved of windwood
Melted from snow.
I am the eye
Pale as a wound
Changing lakes to mountains.
I ease
to the name that I lost
to the poppy opaque extract
I see myself!
A stone girl awaits you near the water
she herself a fall.
I flow in amber colors
in blues and green.
Distance is thick with memories
with sea and air
Beyond this Galaxy
I’m hanging my feet in darkness
My mind once bisexual ice
has now reached the sun.
After I though I knew
only a lake could part us from one another
you leaked out as a fragment
from my memory.
Clare Ann Matz New York 1977.
The distance now separates us
Came from childhood took from you
The distance
Of sixty thousand dreams
Carved of windwood
Melted from snow.
I am the eye
Pale as a wound
Changing lakes to mountains.
I ease
to the name that I lost
to the poppy opaque extract
I see myself!
A stone girl awaits you near the water
she herself a fall.
I flow in amber colors
in blues and green.
Distance is thick with memories
with sea and air
Beyond this Galaxy
I’m hanging my feet in darkness
My mind once bisexual ice
has now reached the sun.
After I though I knew
only a lake could part us from one another
you leaked out as a fragment
from my memory.
Clare Ann Matz New York 1977.
Two rays meet in our eyes
the ray that comes from the sun and
the ray that comes from the soul.
And in that instant there comes a light
that has no equal in the physical world,
if it has not in the waters of the most hidden alpine lake
taking its color from the shiny stones of its bed below
nd the reflections from above.
and the reflections from above.
And these hold their fascination
even under a starry moon night sky
the light, beauty in our eye affects
the beauty of these phenomena.
Lashes rest upon our lids, they catch the ray
before it touches us and indulges in games of waves
overflowing into our brain.
Between the two sets of lashes
there is a veil of pure water that dissolves and reunites,
in moments when the heart strains it,
and we form pearly tears.
Through this veil’s infinite expressions
nature and spirit are one and we are they
here the eye finds its depth and radiates
the limbo below paradise.
A reflection of a thought is similar to a flame
in a glass container.
When the internal light is full
when love is within us
a miracle happens
those looks that clear fogs
the glance that cracks the shadows
and enters the knowledge of the invisible.
Those looks
under the sun brightened life
show the reason of existence.
Clare Ann Matz - Venice,1977.
the ray that comes from the sun and
the ray that comes from the soul.
And in that instant there comes a light
that has no equal in the physical world,
if it has not in the waters of the most hidden alpine lake
taking its color from the shiny stones of its bed below
nd the reflections from above.
and the reflections from above.
And these hold their fascination
even under a starry moon night sky
the light, beauty in our eye affects
the beauty of these phenomena.
Lashes rest upon our lids, they catch the ray
before it touches us and indulges in games of waves
overflowing into our brain.
Between the two sets of lashes
there is a veil of pure water that dissolves and reunites,
in moments when the heart strains it,
and we form pearly tears.
Through this veil’s infinite expressions
nature and spirit are one and we are they
here the eye finds its depth and radiates
the limbo below paradise.
A reflection of a thought is similar to a flame
in a glass container.
When the internal light is full
when love is within us
a miracle happens
those looks that clear fogs
the glance that cracks the shadows
and enters the knowledge of the invisible.
Those looks
under the sun brightened life
show the reason of existence.
Clare Ann Matz - Venice,1977.
Reader, write your own politics of Ecstacy!
Whirling discs of gas molecules
driven by courtesy of that tiny spinning nuclear force
condensing clouds further condensations.
The tangled web of spinning magnetic fields clustering into stellar forms
each cluster hooked up in a magnetic dance with its own planetary cluster...
All objects were dripping, streaming, with white hot light of electricity which flowed in the air. It was as if we were watching the world just come to being
cool off its substance and forms still molten and barely beginning to harden.
I became conscious of the vibrations of my body
the harp strings giving forth their individual tones.
In this dimension there were no forms
no deities, no personalities
just bliss.
The experience of being a one celled creature tenaciously failing,
the singing, humming sound of life exfoliating
You are the DNA code spiraling out
multicellular aesthetic solution.
You directly and immediately experience invertebrate joy:
you feel your backbone forming.
Then gills form.
You are a fish glistening, the sound of ancient foetal tides murmuring the rhythm of life.
You stretch and wriggle in mammalian muscular strength, loping powerful big muscles.
You sense your hair growing on your body as
you leave the warm water broth and take over the earth.
Your body is now your Universe
the ancient wisdom forgotten.
But remember what is without you
is within you.
Your body is the mirror of the cosmos. Micro and Macro.
The heavens are within you.
Within your brain
Intelligent open collaboration come expand your mind.
Move your mind.
One must entertain non-verbal methods of communication if they are to free their nervous system from the stifling simplicity of words.
Only ignorance and misinformation can allow some one else control your brain with the drugged words of their imaginary fears.
1) Thou shalt not alter the consciousness of thy fellow man.
2) Thou shalt not prevent thy fellow man from altering his own consciousness.
Clare Ann Matz Feltre Italy 1977.
driven by courtesy of that tiny spinning nuclear force
condensing clouds further condensations.
The tangled web of spinning magnetic fields clustering into stellar forms
each cluster hooked up in a magnetic dance with its own planetary cluster...
All objects were dripping, streaming, with white hot light of electricity which flowed in the air. It was as if we were watching the world just come to being
cool off its substance and forms still molten and barely beginning to harden.
I became conscious of the vibrations of my body
the harp strings giving forth their individual tones.
In this dimension there were no forms
no deities, no personalities
just bliss.
The experience of being a one celled creature tenaciously failing,
the singing, humming sound of life exfoliating
You are the DNA code spiraling out
multicellular aesthetic solution.
You directly and immediately experience invertebrate joy:
you feel your backbone forming.
Then gills form.
You are a fish glistening, the sound of ancient foetal tides murmuring the rhythm of life.
You stretch and wriggle in mammalian muscular strength, loping powerful big muscles.
You sense your hair growing on your body as
you leave the warm water broth and take over the earth.
Your body is now your Universe
the ancient wisdom forgotten.
But remember what is without you
is within you.
Your body is the mirror of the cosmos. Micro and Macro.
The heavens are within you.
Within your brain
Intelligent open collaboration come expand your mind.
Move your mind.
One must entertain non-verbal methods of communication if they are to free their nervous system from the stifling simplicity of words.
Only ignorance and misinformation can allow some one else control your brain with the drugged words of their imaginary fears.
1) Thou shalt not alter the consciousness of thy fellow man.
2) Thou shalt not prevent thy fellow man from altering his own consciousness.
Clare Ann Matz Feltre Italy 1977.
Danza carnefica ?
Qualcosa si scaglia contro le pareti del mio corpo
cercando di uscirne!
Me lo soffocate, razionalmente prevedendo...
Se sono. Lasciate mi stare.
Non penso di sottovalutare i sacrifici che continuate a fare. Ma...
Se trovassi che le mie arti
fossero danze carnefiche?
Io non la sento così! E tu Luna?
Io che la vivo così intensamente
che ciecamente scorro
leggera di piede, soffice d’esperienza
premo sotto la forza dell’esibizione
felice! Di sentire, scintille di vita!
Sempre all’erta di crespe nell’esprimermi...
Mite grappolo euforica scintilla sono...
Ma...non ricordo
chiedendo alla Luna
se trova la che la mia arte sia una
Danza Carnefica.
Clare Ann Matz - New York City, 1978
cercando di uscirne!
Me lo soffocate, razionalmente prevedendo...
Se sono. Lasciate mi stare.
Non penso di sottovalutare i sacrifici che continuate a fare. Ma...
Se trovassi che le mie arti
fossero danze carnefiche?
Io non la sento così! E tu Luna?
Io che la vivo così intensamente
che ciecamente scorro
leggera di piede, soffice d’esperienza
premo sotto la forza dell’esibizione
felice! Di sentire, scintille di vita!
Sempre all’erta di crespe nell’esprimermi...
Mite grappolo euforica scintilla sono...
Ma...non ricordo
chiedendo alla Luna
se trova la che la mia arte sia una
Danza Carnefica.
Clare Ann Matz - New York City, 1978
Io vado alla Luce
Ed il sole alzò lo sguardo
con una prudenza calcolata...
Sentiva la confusione d’amore
confusione della sagezza divina che gli circolava attorno alle cosce.
Palpabre, labbra brucianti .
E si mise a raccogliere
frutti da parole .
E tra gli alberi sentiva armonie
volare .
Tempo, tempo
penso al tempo.
Ed era come se il vento stanotte fosse scuro
come in tempesta
e rideva...rideva!
Come un canto vicino
come quando veiniva da me
veniva con me
veniva in me. “Oh si, dammi le tue labbra
son io
son io che vengo che vago
come il vento .
Io sono il tempo!
Ma io con tempo incerto salgo
io sola verso il sole
di verso in verso
io vado alla Luce..
Clare Ann Matz New York City 1972.
con una prudenza calcolata...
Sentiva la confusione d’amore
confusione della sagezza divina che gli circolava attorno alle cosce.
Palpabre, labbra brucianti .
E si mise a raccogliere
frutti da parole .
E tra gli alberi sentiva armonie
volare .
Tempo, tempo
penso al tempo.
Ed era come se il vento stanotte fosse scuro
come in tempesta
e rideva...rideva!
Come un canto vicino
come quando veiniva da me
veniva con me
veniva in me. “Oh si, dammi le tue labbra
son io
son io che vengo che vago
come il vento .
Io sono il tempo!
Ma io con tempo incerto salgo
io sola verso il sole
di verso in verso
io vado alla Luce..
Clare Ann Matz New York City 1972.
L’Amore, l’amore e amore
E’ un vento
la fonte a la fonte
kiu yuni kjiuo
L’amore, l’amore e amore
E’ un vento...qualche volta
altre, un ricordo lontano lontano.
E’ un vetro che si rompe
sempre più, sempre più!!!
O, è l’amore, l’amore che corre, che corre forte! Forte!
Arriva in fretta per i giovani
e s’allontana lentamente dai vecchi.
E’ un bisticcio, è un abbraccio!!!
Clare Ann Matz -Spoleto Italy, 1969
la fonte a la fonte
kiu yuni kjiuo
L’amore, l’amore e amore
E’ un vento...qualche volta
altre, un ricordo lontano lontano.
E’ un vetro che si rompe
sempre più, sempre più!!!
O, è l’amore, l’amore che corre, che corre forte! Forte!
Arriva in fretta per i giovani
e s’allontana lentamente dai vecchi.
E’ un bisticcio, è un abbraccio!!!
Clare Ann Matz -Spoleto Italy, 1969